1. for iPad v1.9.0
Compatible with iOS 6.0 or later.
Not supported iPhone.
Download and install from App Store app.
2. for Android v1.9.0
Compatible with Android™4.0 or later.
Not supported Smartphones.
Download and install from Google Play™Store app or [Download] button.
2.1. Check Before Download
If you download from the [Download] button avobe, to enable your device to intall the app from anywhere other than Google Play Store app, go to the system settings screen - [Security] and turn on [Unknown sources]. After installing the Player app, turn off the setting as necessary.
2.2. Download and Installation
- Display this page (https://signage001-access-company.com/access/index.php/en/download) with a Web browser on your Android tablet.
This page can also be loaded by scanning the QR code below with a QR code reader app. - Tap [Download] to go to the Login screen. Use the same email address and password you use to log in to the Authoring screen. If the entered email address and password are correct, the download will be started automatically.
- Tapping the download complete notification on the system bar will display the Install dialog box. Then, tap [Install].
- Once the installation is complete, an installation complete dialog box will be displayed. Then, tap [Open].
- Read the Software License Agreement and tap [Agree] if you agree.
- Enter the device ID and password, then tap [OK]. The device ID and password are issued by adding a display device on the Authoring screen.
- The Home screen of the Player app is displayed. Tapping
will display the signage content.
What if "Install blocked" is displayed? Tapping [Settings] will display the system settings screen. Turn on [Unknown sources] and tap the downloaded Player app shown on the Android system bar. Then, the installation can be started.